For many thousands of years, humans have used microbial organisms to ferment and preserve their food. Rye has many natural microbes (e.g. lactobacillus) compared to other grains, such as wheat. The long fermentation generates natural live bacteria and nutritional value and gives the bread a rich flavour and longer shelf life.
Buy your bread directly from where the breads are being created, at the Bridge in Zürich.
Every week, breads are delivered to selected partner stores in order to make them available in a convenient way to as many customers as possible.
Here the partner shops:
CHORNLADE at Idalatz
der bioladen in Altstetten
BachserMärt in Seefeld
BachserMärt in Albisrieden
(If you want to recommend a new store, feel free to write me an email 🙂 )